You might have heard of Pamela Reif. Her dance workout video channel has nearly eight million subscribers on Youtube and one of her most-watched videos, a 15-minute happy dance workout, has had nearly 27 million views. But is it really true that you can lose weight and get fit while happy dancing? Let’s take a look.

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Dancing is a great way of losing weight. It is a form of cardio exercise, so it pushes your heart rate up into the fat-burning range, and it involves using every muscle in your body. You can expect to burn between 90 and 130 calories in a 15-minute dance workout. This is roughly the equivalent of cycling. So it’s a good way of burning calories and if you stick to a dance workout program, you can expect it to help you stay fit and reach your weight-loss goals.

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But will you be happy while you do it? You probably will. All forms of exercise trigger the release of endorphins, which are your body’s natural painkillers and mood boosters. But as we are all probably painfully aware, not all forms of fitness make you happy while you are actually doing them. Dancing is very different in this respect because dancing just makes us happy.

Not only does dancing trigger more endorphins than other forms of exercise, but it also lowers the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in our bodies. And when we dance, the emotional centers of our brain are activated so we get a genuine happiness boost. It also gets up and moving our entire bodies, which many of us get little opportunity to do with our modern lifestyles. And this can feel very freeing.

So, in a nutshell, yes you really can happy dance your way to weight loss. Why not give it a go!

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