Amazing Follows is a unique online dance platform dedicated exclusively to followers in Kizomba and Urbankiz. Unlike traditional dance instruction that often focuses on leaders, this school provides comprehensive training tailored specifically for followers.
Members gain access to a wealth of resources including basic techniques, styling tips, and choreographies – all designed to boost confidence and skill on the dance floor. The curriculum is taught by experienced instructors like Morgane Jhâna, Sophie Madison, and Isabelle Kizomba.
What sets Amazing Follows apart is its community-driven approach. Students join a supportive network of like-minded dancers, participating in fun challenges that make learning engaging and motivating. The platform offers on-demand video tutorials, ensuring flexibility for busy schedules.
From lady styling to partner work, all aspects of following are covered in detail. Importantly, all moves are demonstrated both solo and with a partner, allowing for effective practice regardless of whether you have a dance partner available.
With its focus on follower empowerment, community building, and accessible learning, Amazing Follows offers a revolutionary approach to mastering Kizomba and Urbankiz from the follower’s perspective.
1 Reviews on “Amazing Follows”
Very good