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  • Roman Bosque



Heart Touching Dance Video by Sean Lew & Kaycee Rice

Yes, these dancers are really versatile and I can hardly remember a more beautiful chemistry than the one I see between Kaycee and Sean. I really love to watch them dancing together.
Roman Bosque

How to Create an At-home Dance Studio

Yeah, bachata is very nice dance and probably got the most popular social dance out there today, probably even more popular than salsa. I don't have the exact stats, but it definitely seems so, it has evolved it's own different sub-styles and trends and is very versatile.
Roman Bosque

Perfect First Dance Choreography

Absolutely agree with you Christine, it is a really beautiful dance.
Roman Bosque

Kizomba Basics: 15 Video Tutorials for Beginners

Thanks a lot, I'm really glad you liked it. I've tried to find the best explanation videos available on YouTube. Even though every dancer has its own unique style, there are some basics that need to be understood before you can grow.
Roman Bosque

Benefits of Dancing: The Most Complete List

Thanks a lot, Shirley. I really appreciate your feedback. Hopefully with the help of people like me and you the world will have more passionate dancers in the near future!
Roman Bosque

The Importance of Dance in a Child’s Life

Thanks, Nasser. Happy holidays to you guys as well and everyone else who is living or dancing in the beautiful Orange County!
Roman Bosque

The Importance of Dance in a Child’s Life

And thank you, Rah, it's always nice to hear positive feedback from the readers and dancer. All the best to the Dancemore Team.
Roman Bosque

The Importance of Dance in a Child’s Life

That's great, Sophie, I really appreciate it. And yeah, benefits keep on coming, but by now, it feels like I've covered almost everything 🙂
Roman Bosque

The Importance of Dance in a Child’s Life

Thanks a lot, Bryan. Dancing is awesome! I’m really glad you liked the article and thank you for sharing it. Say “Hi” to 118 Dance Studio for me.
Roman Bosque

Benefits of Dancing: The Most Complete List

I'm really glad you liked it. Thank you for sharing your experience and your thoughts about this matter, because not many people realize that you can start dancing even when you are 92 years old! Of course you won't be doing any flips and so on, but you'll have a lot fun learning different moves and this is what matters.
Roman Bosque