Transport yourself to sunny Barcelona with a dazzling new salsa lady styling video filmed along the city’s picturesque coastline. Featuring a troupe of 15 vivacious women in eye-catching crimson dresses, this dance showcases a unique fusion of Cuban salsa and flamenco that will have you ready to don some ruffles and heels:

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Led by choreographer Mercedes Sayut, these ladies shake their hips and move their feet to a salsa song Veneno by Leoni Torres. The rhythm has origins in traditional Cuban salsa, but the choreography with unexpected Spanish flamenco influences is something different. Salsa steps like the basics, turn patterns, and shines seamlessly transition into slow steps, dramatic arm movements, and flamboyant hand flourishes reminiscent of flamenco. The contrast creates visual intrigue and highlights the technical skill of the performers. This is a masterpiece danced with freedom and confidence.

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Whether you’re an experienced salsera or have never danced a step, this video calls you to move. Let it awaken your inner rhythm and expression. Who says flamenco and salsa can’t mix? Who says you need a partner? Let the choreography wash over you and try out a basic step. Feel the joy of dancing just for yourself. At any age and any skill level, dance’s transformative power remains.

For anyone who wants to learn how to dance with grace and attitude like these Barcelona beauties, salsa classes are a great place to start. With studios in most major cities, salsa provides an inclusive, supportive environment for people of all ages to find their inner dancer. Singles can drop into group classes and soon be moving to the music, no partner required. Salsa lady styling is also very empowering for women, allowing you to get in touch with your feminine energy. The skills translate seamlessly to partner dancing and social events. All it takes is a passion for the music and willingness to step outside your comfort zone.

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