Cooking can feel like a chore. The repetitive chopping, stirring, and waiting often makes me want to tear my hair out in boredom. But I’ve found a way to add some fun and flair to my meal prep: dancing! The video below illustrates a perfect example of having fun in the kitchen, while Nneka, the dancer from the video, isn’t really cooking anything – she’s merely dancing near her pink fridge, it was enough for me though to get inspired and try this new approach the next time I’m making dinner.

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I’ll admit dancing in the kitchen seemed a little silly at first. I could just hear my husband’s laugh ringing in my ears if he saw me twirling from sink to stove while making dinner. But once I turned up my favorite playlist and started swaying, something magical happened. Stress and tension melted away as I lost myself in the music.

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Now my evening cook time has become my own private dance party. As soon as the aromas of garlic, onion, or whatever I’m sautéing hit the air, my toes start tapping uncontrollably. By the time the water for pasta comes to a boil, I’m fully busting out my go-to dance moves. Hip sways, arm waves, spins – whatever my body feels compelled to do. I let the rhythm take over.

It’s amazing how dancing transforms the whole cooking experience. Chopping vegetables becomes less of a dull task and more like creating a percussive beat to accompany the music. I’ll drum my knives on the cutting board, matching each thwack to the song’s tempo. Mindless stirring and waiting at the stove becomes an opportunity to freely groove. I’ll whip out my best bounce and bop as I watch a pot, the spoon becoming a fun prop.

My dance time in the kitchen has done so much more than just help me let loose. It’s boosted my energy and lifted my entire mood. There’s just something about moving your body to music that releases feel-good endorphins. The joyful exertion gets my heart pumping and puts a smile on my face. I find myself singing aloud as I swivel my hips and shimmy my shoulders.

What’s great is that once I start dancing, it puts me in a lighthearted headspace that lasts throughout dinner. The playful energy carries over as my family gathers to eat. We laugh together more effortlessly. The food even seems to taste better. That lemon chicken I whipped up while doing my go-to running man dance? Chef’s kiss.

So if you find yourself drifting into autopilot mode or feeling drained as you cook each day, I implore you to turn up the tunes and bust a move. Let your inner dancer come alive. Feel the freedom of flying around your kitchen, unencumbered by care. No one’s watching but you – so go wild!

See if it doesn’t brighten up your whole evening. The stirring, chopping, and waiting transforms into your own private concert. Suddenly, you aren’t just cooking. You’re putting on a show, with an audience of none but yourself. Each meal prep becomes a dance party for one. When we loosen up and get fully immersed in the music, we connect back to our inner childlike joy. We let go of perceived limitations.

So the next time you’re cooking, sprinkle in a little Rema or Beyonce. Add a dash of hip sways. Let your body be taken by the groove. Dance like nobody’s watching – because no one is. But I guarantee your mood and energy will soar. You’ll infuse your food with the magical feeling of freedom that comes when we dance our cares away.

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